Hearing Blog

Four ways better hearing can help with stress

December 20, 2023

A close friend once said, “Life is lifelike” — and indeed life is filled with ups, downs, even upside downs, right? Because even though we’re all on our own journey, the one thing we all face from time to time is challenge. Unfortunately, challenge can sometimes be tough enough to pull us into that dreaded state of worry or tension we call stress. What challenge causes you stress? For many of us, it’s hearing ...

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Exploring How Hearing Loss Treatment May Contribute to Dementia Prevention

December 4, 2023

A highly regarded report published by The Lancet Commission on Dementia Prevention, Intervention and Care called dementia “the greatest global challenge for health and social care in the 21st century.” 1 Ask friends and loved ones of the estimated 50 million people worldwide who have dementia, and they'll no doubt back it up — with stories about the worry, stress, sadness and devastation that dementia leaves in its wake. Formed to provide recommendations for the ...

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